Alkaline Water: Detox Water Drink

Alkaline Water: Detox Water Drink

History and Origin

The Alkaline Water has many therapeutic benefits and helps in digestion. It helps to stabilize the acidic food in the body. The research for this water started in Japan during 1960’s.

The benefits of alkaline ionized water began to be appreciated resulting in a significant increase in the manufacture of water ionizers. It was subsequently approved as a medical device in Japan and is now used there in clinics.

During 1990’s producing water ionizers became more concentrated in Korea, which is today probably the main manufacturing center for these devices. Alkaline ionized water is now commonly drunk in Japan, Korea and many other Oriental countries.

1 Lt Water
2 pieces of Lemon
4 pieces of Cucumber

How to Make

  1. In one-liter water, add 4 small pieces of cucumber and 2 small pieces of lime. Keep it overnight and this becomes your alkaline water.
  2. Consume a little bit of it as soon as you get up. Avoid taking this water right before or after food.
  3. Take it 2 hours post any meal.


This water drink has a higher pH level than regular drinking water. Because of this, some advocates believe it can neutralize the acid in your body.

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