Mattha (Maharashtrian Spiced Buttermilk)

Mattha (Maharashtrian Spiced Buttermilk)

History :-

Mattha is a Maharashtrian Spiced Buttermilk which helps in digestion. We can drink it before and after meals. Mattha is made from yogurt (curd) and is watery or of a thin consistency. Curd is a natural probiotic that helps in promoting gut bacteria. In fact, we South Indians make something similar to Mattha called Neer Mor, which is equally tasty and delicious. Mattha makes a wonderful couple with masale bhat in the weddings. Mattha is good to consume for people of all ages. Be it a child or senior citizen, this is one drink that has no restrictions. In facts, diabetics patient are advised to consume dahi / buttermilk to keep them full for longer and ensure the blood sugars are in check.

Ingredients :-

Serves for 3 to 4
2 cups of fresh yoghurt2 cups of water
A pinch of asafetida1/2 tsp black salt
Salt to taste1 tbsp coriander powder
2 Green chillies1 tbsp of grated ginger
Finely chopped coriander leaves

Directions :-

  1. Whisk the curd / Yoghurt and add ginger, asafetida, green chillies, black salt and coriander powder.
  2. Mix well and now add the water.
  3. Adjust salt and chopped coriander leaves.
  4. Whisk again, refrigerate for couple of hours and serve chilled along with meals or as a mid morning snack / drink with couple of nuts.

Nutrition Info :-

Calories 300 kcal
Protein 15.6 gm
Carbohydrates 15.1 gm
Fat 20 gm

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